When you are travelling as a couple it is really important to remember to keep romance alive. These tips for couples travel will hopefully help.
You have to take great care to not only keep each other happy but also to celebrate special events such as anniversaries and other romantic moments in your lives.
Because travelling can take it’s toll on even the strongest relationships.
A lack of sleep while crossing different time zones will leave nerves frayed. While the stress of navigating your way around a foreign country will rattle tensions further. And to top it off you will be in each others faces through the good times and the bad 24/7.
Considering that with most budget travel, your savings will not usually allow for extra expenses such as romantic dinners which can help to recharge those relationship batteries. Instead you will find yourself arguing over whose turn it is to cook the spaghetti on toast!
With Valentines Day nearly upon us it might be worthwhile sharing some of our own little secrets of how we travel as a couple.
So how do we find the energy while on the road keep from tearing each others heads off every second day?
It’s easy!
Think outside the box
You shouldn’t have to look very far from where you are at that moment to gain just a little bit of inspiration. Travelling is romantic in it’s very nature!
Sure you may not be in one of the most romantic cities of the world like Paris or having an epic Hawaii holiday on the beach. But, you are likely to be somewhere that isn’t home! That is what makes it special.
Stop being a tourist and slow down
I don’t mean for the entire time you travel but you can definitely spare a day or even an hour to slow down. For that short period you need to stop, think and act like a local.
What do locals do to keep their romance alive wherever you are? I am sure that they don’t wake up at the crack of dawn to be the first in line at the local attractions! No, they sleep in and savour each others company. Or they just stroll hand in hand through a park.
By slowing down you will enjoy those moments of madness as you run to make your train travel trip because you know you can chill out sometime soon.
Don’t be selfish
Travelling as a couple is all about compromise. If you have chosen the last 2 places to eat at or the last activity then it is time to hand over the reins. There is nothing worse than just getting to enjoy what you want while the other grins and bears it.
Other selfishness acts can be as simple as showing a little bit of courtesy. All it may take is to help her put on her backpack after a long day of hauling it around a dusty city and the romance will be kept alive.
Don’t sweat the small stuff
You need to let the small things slide. You know that really cute chewing sound she makes when she is eating her food? Well that kind of starts to grind on your nerves when it is just the two off you.
But if you cannot learn to accept those small imperfections (and face it everyone has them and I am clearly no god myself) then the bigger worries are really going to set a wedge between you.
Time outs
Travelling is all about sharing special moments together. But, and I cannot stress this enough, everyone needs space.
Whether you like to chill out by going for a run, reading your book or just pondering life’s mysteries with a beer in hand then make time for it. Just tell them upfront and trust me they will understand.
In fact they probably can’t wait to get away from you too!
We have had some epic fights on our travels and have spent whole days silently driving across America not talking to one another. Do you know how hard it is to give your significant other the silent treatment for 8 hours when they are sitting next to you in the car?!
Let me tell you, it is near on impossible.
Those times are tough but as you sit in silence you will realise just how stupid the situation is. Here you are halfway around the world from your family and you only have one other person to rely on.
When you are laughing most of the time then the small arguments will bounce right off.
Spend time with others
Human beings are social in their very nature. Why do you think girls like to sit around with other girls and talk at a million miles an hour? It’s because we crave interaction.
I am quite happy to just chill out and be quiet. Adela on the other hand loves to talk. Early on in our travels I could not figure out how she can sometimes stand my quiet moments? Then it dawned on me.
It’s because we always find the time to interact with others on the road. If you spend your whole time abroad and only talk to one another then it is going to be one helluva boring trip.
Travel is about meeting others. When you do finally get that time alone together you will relish in it!
Date night
Most couples usually have date nights when they are at home. So why not when you are travelling?
I know I said earlier that most of the time budget travel won’t allow for you to go out for romantic dinners. But who said you have to spend $200 on a meal with a bottle of wine. Instead make a picnic and go chill out on the beach for a few hours.
Or just blow that budget and splurge! While your wallet might hate you, your relationship will thank you and the romance will be kept alive.