If you’re a keen traveller who wants to see and experience as much of the world as possible, have you ever considered moving abroad? Even if it’s just for a year or two- it’s something that could open you up to a completely different way of life and give your opportunities that you never would have had if you’d stayed at home or visited for a shorter time frame. While it can be easier to do when you’re a little younger and before you’re too settled in your life, don’t rule it out if it’s something you want to do at any age. Here are just a few of the reasons why it could change your life for the better.

Decide On The Country

The very first thing you will need to consider is where in the world you’re going to live. If you’re really unsure, start with the continent, then narrow down to the country and finally the destination. Lots of factors should influence your choice- how easy it is to move (some countries will require you to have certain qualifications for example, so would need to be ruled out of you don’t have them). Things like taxes and how much it costs to live there, what the weather is like, the culture and customs and much more will all play a part. Some places in the world are experiencing a skills gap, so depending on your job and experience you might find it easier to move there. Others provide more opportunities, or you might decide to move somewhere because you’ve travelled there, find the place interesting and simply want to spend more time there.

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Schooling and Education

One reason you might decide to move abroad would be to get better education. It might be that you come from a part of the world where the schooling isn’t as good, or perhaps you want to go to a university that specialises in the area you’re studying in. If you have a young family and are planning on moving, the schooling system is something you will need to take into consideration. You always have the option to homeschool online, but if they study abroad they’re likely to pick up a language more quickly, socialise and learn customs and generally integrate well into the new country. This is especially useful if you plan on moving long term.

Work and Career

Another common reason people move abroad is to find better work or career opportunities. Perhaps the company you work for now is branching out and has asked you if you want to move and work for them but in a different part of the world. Another country might have better job prospects, or give you the ability to expand your career in a way that you’re not able to do where you live now. Working abroad is also something that looks excellent on your resume, so even if your move isn’t permanent, you can add it to your record and it’s something that employers when you return home will like. It shows that you’re well travelled and experienced and is something that can help you stand out over other candidates. If gaining work and new skills is your primary reason for moving, you will want to rent a house that’s close to where you’ll be working. Lots of places offer longer term lets, you could always look into buying somewhere later on if you want to stay for longer.

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You Could Experience Another Culture

As a keen traveller, learning about and submerging yourself in other cultures is something you’re likely to already enjoy. So why not move abroad, where you have the chance to do this properly? You really get to see and understand what life is like in a certain part of the world, not just as a traveller but as a local. This can really open your eyes to other ways of life, and shows you that as a traveller you only really scratch the surface. From learning a new language, which is more easily done when you’re surrounded by it, to tasting different ingredients and recipes. You will learn about traditions and customs, how the weather affects things, religion and general ways of life.

You Could Meet New People

It’s the people you meet in life that are likely to have the most impact. When you travel or even move abroad, you tend to meet people that are very different from you. They’re from a different ethnic and cultural background, a different socioeconomic status, they’ve grown up in a very different place. It means they have a different perspective to you, and can perhaps teach or show you new values or things that matter. You could find lifelong friendships with people you would simply have never met any other way.

It Can Get You Out of a Rut

It’s so easy to get into a rut in life. It might feel like all you do is work and sleep. You probably frequent the same shops, bars and restaurants and do the same things you’ve been doing for years on repeat. Moving abroad gives your life a massive shake up, it encourages you to get out there and experience new things. It’s a change of scenery, and a fast way to get yourself out of a rut. If your life is in need of a revamp its a dramatic yet effective way to really change things up for yourself. Who knows what could come about from the move- you could gain experience to get a better job, meet the love of your life or a person that becomes you best friend, you could learn new skills. At the very least, you will make memories that will last you a lifetime!

Whether it’s for a year, five years, a decade or a permanent move, spending some significant time in a new place in the world can be highly beneficial. If you love to travel then why not go that step further and live as a local somewhere new?

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