To realise our travel blogging goals and travel like we want to travel, which is a LOT, we need freedom. So today we did what most people will never try.
We took a risk. We pursued a passion. We stepped out of our comfort zone.
We quit our jobs.
Seeing those four little words written down just sent shivers down my spine. Seeing them written down somehow makes it seem real. It now feels like a tangible item that we can reach out and grab a hold of.
For the last couple of weeks we have been talking about how we want to travel for a few months around Europe this summer from our base in Edinburgh. It always seemed like a bit of a distant dream. But the one thing that we knew was that there was no way that we could travel properly with jobs holding us back.
Sure we have been travelling around the world for over 2 years already and have seen a few sides of Europe. Including a long weekend in Paris, the madness that was Oktoberfest in Munich and even peep show in Amsterdam.
And even though the adventures were fun it wasn’t travelling like we wanted to travel.
We like to travel slow.
We love to take in the culture and experience how locals live. Getting under the skin of a destination is what makes travel so special for us. By quitting our jobs to travel we now have the freedom to do it our way.
So in one week we are setting off on a trip through Italy and Spain. For six weeks we will travel through Italy with very vague plans.
We promise to outline our trip itinerary in more detail next week (with a few exciting announcements). But as a start we will be ticking off the ruins of Rome, trekking the Cinque Terre trails, winding through the waterways of Venice, eating pizza in Naples, cycling and get tanked in Tuscany and swimming on the alluring Amalfi Coast.
You think that after all that we would be looking to slow down and enjoy the siesta lifestyle of Spain. But you would be wrong. Three weeks of madness in Spain ensues from there.
We will be risking life and limb by Running with the Bulls in Pamplona. And when, if, we have survived that we will be surfing our way along the San Sebastian coastline for two weeks.
But then what…
To be honest, who knows?
Most likely we will end up back in Edinburgh as we have fallen in love with the place. Plus it is super handy to travel through Europe from.
But I am hoping that this is the end of the road for me sitting in a cubicle and working the normal 9 to 5 job. Four years I have toiled away as an Environmental Planner helping local farmers and businesses around New Zealand and now in Scotland construct Wind Turbines.
Adela has kindly offered to support me by returning to her cubicle while I pursue my newfound passion. I will try to take this travel blog to the next level and continue to grow it for you.
So thank you!
Because everything we have achieved so far has been as a result of you, our readers and passionate travel community. If you haven’t already then join the rest of us on Facebook and Twitter!
But not only will I continue to grow our blog I will also be pursuing a new career with all the skills I have learnt since we began this adventure travel blog. So if you are looking for a new Social Media specialist or blogger for your business then I am here to help. Just drop us a line via email or through our contact page.
Taking the plunge into the unknown is really exciting. And just a little bit unsettling.
Do I think I will end up back in a cubicle in a few months? Maybe.
But you know what? For now I am content knowing that we have two months ahead of us with nothing but our packs on our backs, jandals on our feet and a pocketful of opportunities in front of us.
Reader question: Have you ever taken the plunge or rolled the dice of chance on a dream? How did it work out? Any advice or tips for us?