Online rummy is one of the most sought game among youngsters these days. Despite heavy competition from the likes of action games like PubG, Fortnite, online rummy has held on to its own and has been steadily growing. Online rummy companies infact has registered highest growth rates in the gaming industry growing at an astounding growth rate of 50%.

As the game is deeply rooted in the Indian culture and milieu, rummy had little trouble in getting accomadated in the online sphere. Ever since then, there’s no looking back. Online ecosystem expanded rummy’s territory and the game is now available in several places where it wasn’t known earlier. The online avtar made rummy even more interesting and convenient. An interesting blend of fun, entertainment, and thrill is what that makes this game so special.

There are so many opinions about rummy game these days. However, not every of them is necessarily true as they are based on conjectures. Only a rummy player knows the significance of the game and the hard work that goes with it. Just like an athlete knows how hard the training part is, in order to attain success in any major event. In this post, we are looking at a few things which only a rummy player can understand.

1. Ups and Down are inevitable

Real sportsmen know that ups and downs in their career are natural. There’s absolutely no reason to panic if you endure a few losses. Similarly, a rummy pro knows that losses are no big deal. Sure, we feel crawling under our skin during defeats and uncontrollable euphoria on big wins. However, a rummy professional follows a balanced approach and is even restrained in celebrations.

2. Rummy Players are not gamblers

There is a widespread misconception that rummy is a gambling game as money is involved. This disdain for the game is deeply entrenched in the minds of people through constant propaganda and misinformation. Even free rummy games are viewed with the same lens of suspicion.

For all the doubting Thomases, playing rummy game for cash is legal according to a Supreme Court Verdict. The verdict clearly dissects skill games like rummy from card games where chance play a major role. Rummy players knows what it takes to win the game. Surely it’s not luck, if it’s a game based on luck, wouldn’t the same player win multiple games.

3. Rummy Players can be professional

The proof of the pudding is in the eating, similarly players who chose rummy as their profession knows how interesting their profession is. The truth is rummy players need good cognitive ability, attention span, good memory, and mental skills just like how working professionals require.

The society still has a skewed opinion about people choosing playing card games for a living and chastises them for choosing rummy as a career option. The truth is games like rummy, poker, and other skill game offer them financial clout apart from the entertainment. If it were just pastime, would the game achieved this much popularity? The truth is that successful players remain unfettered about their detractors and keep marching ahead.

4. Rummy players know when to stop

Good players don’t get too excited over a winning streak. Just like how we allocate a monthly budget, A good player will set a limit and not exceed it. Even if they are on a winning streak, they know when to stop. Perhaps, this quality is what that separates professionals from the rest.


So, the next time someone passes their unfounded opinions about rummy game, walk away nonchalantly with a grin; as now you are now in a position better than them.

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