Use our quick language guide to learn the key basic Arabic words that we used when travelling through Egypt and the Middle East.
A comprehensive review of Expat Explores 10 Day Explorer Tour through the stunning country of Egypt.
The street food in Egypt is some of the best food we have ever eaten. Check out our top five choices to try for your visit.
Weekly Hump Day photo of a hawker relaxing with a finger up her nose and a cup of mint tea in hand in one of the many bazaars in Egypt.
Beautiful photos from the Pyramids of Giza in Cairo. By far one of the most awe-inspiring features I have ever seen in my whole life on this earth!
Our adventures cruising on the River Nile for two days on a traditional Egyptian Felucca.
On our recent trip to Egypt we were lucky enough to spend a day diving and snorkelling…
Our weekly feature photo to help us get over Hump Day is of Hatshepsut Temple which is located near Luxor in the beautiful country of Egypt
Get the word out to everyone you know. Egypt is open for tourism. We just finished our visit and it is safe AND amazing!
We are currently exploring Egypt. These our just some of our favourite photos from our first 2 days. Hope you enjoy them as much as us.
We are headed to Egypt tomorrow and I am starting to get worried that it will not live up to my grand expectations.