France is the largest country in Western Europe and occupies an area approximately equal to the combined size of US states Colorado and Nevada. It has several mountain ranges, the largest of which encompasses Europe’s highest peak, the Alps’ Mont Blanc.

With borders on the North Sea, the Channel, the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, France has around 3500 miles of coastline. It is also the third most forested nation in Europe (behind Sweden and Finland) with almost a third of its area covered by around 120 different species of tree.

In case you are searching eagerly for the point of this, let me make it clear. With huge open spaces, soaring peaks, ancient forests and coastlines fringed with golden sands and rocky coves aplenty, France is, quite simply, a walker’s paradise.

Walking holidays in France

Walking Holiday in France

Consider this too: France produces around seven billion bottles of wine a year and has a culture steeped in the pleasures of great food and magnificent (alcoholic) beverages. Is there a better idea than a walking holiday in France? Perhaps, but not that we can think of.

Naturally, in a country of such relatively vast dimensions there are countless regions that offer stunning walking opportunities. The aim here is not to enumerate them all but rather to give you a feel for the joys such a break might bring. While the sensational food and drink with which you will punctuate your physical effort is practically a given and whilst this aspect of a holiday might not be central to everyone’s enjoyment, it would be remiss not to mention some of the gastronomic highlights you may encounter.

Walking holidays in France

Oenophiles can treat themselves after completing that day-long route through undulating poppy or corn fields with some of the world’s finest wines. From Bordeaux and Burgundy to Champagne and the Loire Valley’s mineral-packed whites such as the ever-popular Sancerre, you will never go thirsty in France.

Good as the wine may be – and good it most certainly is – one cannot survive on that alone.

But with sensational cheeses, artisanal bread and pastries and regional specialities galore you will always find delicious food close at hand. Quality produce and refined techniques are such a part of French life that whether it be from a market stall or a Michelin-starred restaurant, you can be sure that it will titillate the taste buds of anyone who indulges.

Walking holidays in France

Should your French walking odyssey take in Provence you may enjoy the rich depth of the local seafood stew bouillabaisse, whilst the hearty meat and bean cassoulet of Carcassonne is a fine way to refuel after a day of fresh air and trudging feet. From arguably the finest chicken in the world, the Poulet de Bresse of the Rhone-Alpes region, to the splendid fruit and fungi of the Loire Valley, replacing the calories burned walking will always be a pleasure.

Of course, as well as fruits of immense sweetness and flavour, by happy coincidence, the Loire is also an excellent place for a walking holiday. It is an ideal starting point for those wanting something not overly demanding but without sacrificing the scenery or the feeling of freedom and unconstrained space. Most of the routes are relatively flat (in comparison to the Alpine alternatives) but at the same time you have a genuine opportunity to get off the beaten track and enjoy the open river valleys, fields of wild poppies and shaded woodlands.

With several magnificent and awe-inspiring chateaux, such as those at Blois and Chambord, as well as fascinating hamlets and villages, this region offers a little bit of everything and is sure to make you feel revived, refreshed and invigorated.

On this type of holiday the pace of life slows right down and you can enjoy each moment, as is the norm for many French people in these areas. If you want to up the relaxation stakes yet further, how about a drop or two of the local wine.

Walking holidays in France

If this article has inspired you to get active on a walking holiday in France, you can find out more at Headwater.

This post was brought to you by world traveller David Brown who loves a good hiking adventure while exploring his favourite country, France.

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