Although flying as a means of travel is a wonderful, convenient way to travel, it doesn’t come without its costs. Jetlag, dry skin, DVT and travel sickness are all common side effects of long haul travel. However, it doesn’t have to be an uncomfortable experience. We’ve put together 10 tips for you to keep in mind next time you’re hurtling through the stratosphere.

- Stay hydrated
When you’re flying, the humidity of the air drops dramatically. This means that your skin is dry and your body needs to be hydrated efficiently, if not more frequently, than usual. Make sure you drink plenty of water and nutritious fluids such as electrolyte drinks or herbal teas.
Avoid coffee
Many experts believe that coffee is a diuretic, meaning it increases fluid losses. In such a dry atmosphere, it’s important you keep coffee consumption to a minimum, in order to stay as hydrated and energetic as you possibly can.
- Keep your alcohol intake to a minimum
Alcohol is also another beverage that will dehydrate you, and should be consumed only in small amounts. Excessive alcohol consumption, although a depressant, can also act as a stimulant the first few hours, which will only increase the jet lag you’ll feel once you get to your destination.
- Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing
While you don’t want to be that person wearing pyjamas on the plane, you are going to want to wear comfortable clothing. Tight, restricting clothing will only further prevent blood flow and circulation, so make sure to wear loose-fitting clothing next time you travel.

- Bring headphones or ear plugs
As planes can often be noisy, disruptive environments with crying children and snoring, you’re going to want to pack some headphones or ear plugs. It means you’ll be able to relax easier, and fall asleep faster.
- Bring a neck pillow
Most planes don’t offer neck pillows whilst flying, so it’s always a good idea to pack your own. Giving your neck and spine support means that at the end of the flight you won’t have those nasty aches and pains from nodding off.
- Bring an eye mask
Just like earplugs, an eye mask is crucial if you want to get a good sleep. Lights are switched on for meal times and the drinks cart in all planes, and if you want to remain asleep during these times it’s a great idea to bring your own cover of darkness.
- Do some in-seat exercises
When you aren’t sleeping, in-seat exercises and stretches are a great way to keep the circulation flowing and to ensure you don’t stiffen up. Try rotating your ankles and wrists, and pointing and flexing your toes. While you’re waiting in the bathroom line, try touching your toes to stretch out your legs.
- Bring moisturiser and lip balm
For an excessively dry environment such as an aircraft, extra skin hydration is necessary. No one wants to exit the plane with dry, cracked skin and chapped lips. Keep your skin supple and soft by regularly applying moisturiser and lip balm throughout your flight.
- Bring entertainment
The best way to pass time is by doing something entertaining. Bring a sudoku book or crossword puzzle to help pass the time, or perhaps a good book is more your choosing. Relaxing music can also help to aid in sleep, as well as bringing a favourite movie or TV show on a tablet.
- Book convenient accommodation
When flying, sometimes you have to do airport stopovers. Make sure you book convenient, easy to find accommodation, such as Melbourne serviced apartments, to ensure you get the rest that you need and to minimise jet lag.
Travelling is one of the greatest parts of life. In order to maximise your next big trip, take the steps necessary to minimise discomfort. What are you waiting for? The world is your oyster!