“Penguins are cool,” a friend of mine once said.
“Well, of course they are,” I joked, not realising that one day, they will show me the way out of dark.
I was in Christchurch, New Zealand. I had taken a leave of absence from my office, packed my bags and left with a thought that said- “I really need to relax.” Exhaustion. Yes. All my life, I made fun of people who said they were tired and then, I found myself struggling through days. What caused it: Job, drive, traffic, money and responsibilities. Hence, I took a swift trip to New Zealand.

I was on a 2 weeks trip. For one whole week, I just sat by the pool, lay beside the pool, ate beside the pool and did nothing else. “When you do nothing, life is sweet.”
On Saturday, one of my friends called me and told to visit Christchurch and see some wildlife. I have been to hotels and casinos and beaches and such, but wildlife!! Never crossed my mind. So I was like what-the-heck and I came to Christchurch.
My first stop was Kaikoura. I rented a BMW320i from Hertz and drove straight to the zigzag coastline and equally zig zagged mountains of Kaikuora. Resting on the coast, I watched seals oozing their carelessness away in the July sun, albatrosses swooping up and down, their mighty wings… a vague tail of a sperm whale maybe, which got everybody excited but I was in my own thoughts. “The sheer simplicity of nature, the absolute biology of need and how easy it is for animals,” I thought. “What if I was a sperm whale?” I wondered

Next day, I went to Riccarton Bush. Forests have always intrigued me. I wandered around on green-brown soil with a little sunlight in my eyes. It was an exciting day in the forest. Exciting because every next minute brought a gust of fresh breeze, an exotic animals right out of the woods or better, weird sounds, melodies of nature. My day ended with a sumptuous meal of New Zealand delicacies and as a folk song played on the stereo.
Next, I spent the day in Orana Wildlife Park. I did all the signature tourist things, hand fed a giraffe, made faces at monkeys and meerkats, got amused by the size of the rhinoceros and got terrified to the bones when tigers strolled all around our safari jeep in a dangerously easy manner, like they know everything about the jungle. Wildlife..!! Looking at carefree animals lazying around in the wintery warmth, busy in nothing, gave me a sense of fulfillment.
I remembered my friend’s “penguin” request when I reached International Antarctic Centre. International Antarctic Centre is miniature Antarctica, lot of snow and lot of activities. I tried some. I slid on one of the icy slides… took a “Polar plunge” in ice cold water, found myself lost in a snowy cave, got caught in an artificial a storm and finally, watched a movie in a 4d theatre… what an amalgam of science and nature.
I walked around, deep in thoughts, and then I saw them. Peeping out of a glass wall, walking around in an awkward gait, flapping their arms, little blue penguins.
I sat beside the glass and observed because they were funny to watch… cute.
One of them came near the glass, towards me. It turned around, looked at me and just stood there. I looked at it too, in its 2 happy eyes. The blue penguin waited for a while, turned back and went away.
I kept sitting there, watching them, watching myself in a glass room and gradually, it came to me. There is nothing to figure out. Life is such. Adventure. Amazement. There is no glorious solution to life but being happy and content about it.
“Penguins are really cool,” I thought and I came back home.