According to statistics compiled by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, the crime rate in Fort Lauderdale dropped 14.8% during the first months of 2018 when compared with the same time period of a year ago. However, this is still not an encouraging statistic, considering the following:

  • The crime rate in Fort Lauderdale is, on average, 110% higher than in the rest of the state.
  • Violent crime in the area is 45% higher than the average rate of crime in Florida.
  • Crime that involves property is 120% higher than in the whole of the state of Florida.

Fort Lauderdale has one of the highest crime rates in the United States. More than 96% of communities in Florida alone have less crime than this city. Many of the crimes that go into these numbers involve property. This includes burglaries, larceny, theft of motor vehicles and arson. If you find yourself the victim of any one of these types of crimes, call an accident lawyer in Fort Lauderdale to be by your side and help you get the compensation you deserve.

Are There Other Dangers To Be On The Lookout For?

You may call them dangers, you may call them fun, but here is a short list of things to watch out for in Fort Lauderdale:

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The Beach

Going to the beach and spending time in the ocean is an integral part of a holiday in Fort Lauderdale. However, sea life in the ocean can sting or bite you. Keep an eye out for jellyfish, needlefish and even grouper fish that likes to nibble. Sharks can also be found in deeper waters. Also, there are undercurrents that can pull you out to sea, particularly during hurricane season.

Young People Enjoying Their Spring Break

Fort Lauderdale has been on the favorite-places-to-go list for spring-breakers for many decades. College students come here because they want to enjoy the nice weather but also partake in fun and excitement that can include drugs, alcohol and irresponsible behavior.

Trains Hitting Cars And Trucks

Surely this doesn’t happen, or does it? Considering we all have to cross rail lines many times a week, if not daily, it should come as no surprise that the Federal Railroad Administration has reported that over 2,100 rail accidents happened in the United States during 2016 alone. In Florida, the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles has this statistic: in that same year, there were over 200 accidents involving a railway vehicle. Driving over the rails when a train is approaching is not the only way these accidents happen. Train derailments mean that you can run into a train car while simply driving on a road that runs parallel to the tracks.

Reckless Drivers And Plenty Of Car Crashes

Tourists, snow-birds, and spring-breakers add millions to the year-round population of Fort Lauderdale. Not being too familiar with the area, plus being faced with unending construction-related vehicles and traffic, makes this a city where car crashes are a fact of life. If you are involved in a car crash, whether you live here year-round or are just a part-time resident, contact Fort Lauderdale car accident attorney to help you get the compensation you deserve.

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