I am the first to admit that I am not a romantic person. In fact I am probably the most unromantic person I know. It may come as a surprise to you considering Adela and I have been together for over 5 years. And 3+ of those have been travelling as a couple.

Luckily we have managed to keep the romance alive while travelling, mostly in thanks to Adela. And it certainly hasn’t stopped us from visiting some of the most romantic places in the world.

Our most romantic places in the world


This wouldn’t be a list about the most romantic places in the world if we didn’t include Paris.

 Most romantic cities in the world

Nothing beats a stroll through the parks in Paris or underneath the harsh lines of the Eiffel Tower. Blankets, flower bouquets  bottles of champagne and hands entwined litter every grassy patch.

While lovers locks clasp onto the bridge railings crossing the River Seine. Each inscribed with declarations of love. I wonder if the relationships have lasted as long as the locks? More than likely some have gone stale over the years.


Tuscany is definitely one of the most romantic places in the world. When we were driving a scooter in Tuscany we came across so many medieval villages with their stone towers reaching towards the sky. Each more gorgeous than the previous.

Once you add food and wine to die for, you have a winner. We even popped into a small locally owned winery on our scooter and stowed a bottle under the seat to saviour back at our romantic Tuscan Villa.

Most romantic places in the world


If watching the sunset over a small island on a traditional Sail Turkey Gulet off the coast of Turkey isn’t considered one of the most romantic places in the world, then I don’t know what is.

Most romantic places in the world

8 days of sunshine, swimming and sailing = bliss. Especially after spending the winter hunkering down in Edinburgh. Turkey is a truly magical place and will melt the iciest hearts.

You can even visit a traditional Turkish Bath, or Turkish Hamam, to ease any aching bones and cleanse yourselves. Although the romance could be ruined by a hairy Turkish man in nothing more than a loin cloth.

French Alps

White snowflakes drifting down past the window, a roast dinner and a glass of champagne sitting in front of a blazing wood fire? These are the sorts of romanticised scenes you see Hollywood playing out on the big screen all the time.

Truth be told, they are not far wrong.

Most romantic places in the world

But the reason we love visiting the French Alps is because we both love skiing adventures. There are not many activities more fun, and romantic, than skiing all day before sharing a Vin Chaud (mulled wine) at some of the best hotels in France.

Being able to find someone that enjoys the same activities as you is priceless.


I have written in the past how Bruges is a fairytale city. It is even referred to as “The Venice of the North” with its canals and bridges criss-crossing the narrow streets.

Most romantic places in the world

Bruges is also well known for its chocolate, beer and lace.

Three things that will have most girls swooning in your arms in no time at all. To top it all off, at night the city looks like a Roman candle with the buildings draped in decorative twinkling lights and couples stroll hand in hand huddling close together to stay warm from the winter chill.

New York City

While it may not immediately jump to the front of your mind as one of the most romantic places in the world, we sure fell in love with the Big Apple. Maybe because it was the biggest city we had ever been to.

But more likely it was the vibrancy of the city. We could feel its pulse beating beneath our feet as we arched our necks between the skyscrapers. No matter what time it was, the city was alive and kicking.

Our most romantic adventure in New York was taking a sunset cruise across the bay to the Statue of Liberty. The New York City skyline  will take anyone’s breath away.

Most romantic cities in the world

Tell us below what you consider the most romantic places in the world?

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