We are eating more or eating less: What is better? We are bombarded by conflicting and confusing diet advice flashing in the media or extolled by healthcare experts and doctors. Who do we trust? What do we eat more or less of? Do we eat more fat or less? Should we eat six meals a day, a day or less? Should we fast for 16 hours each day or eat all day? The information is never-ending. But what is true and you can never get too much of or too little of our fruits and vegetables. We have handpicked three top items for you to delight in.


An apple a day may help you from gaining weight. Containing only 52 calories, apples keep you feeling fuller for longer because they contain soluble fiber, pectin, and ursolic acid. Ursolic acid supplementation may increase muscle mass and prevent the accumulation of body fat. Eat apple raw, or you can cut it up and have it with a bit of peanut butter as a quick and satisfying snack. You can also bake it in the oven for a lovely treat.


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If you have a sweet tooth, then mangos are the way to go. Mangos are delicious and will not derail your diet. They will also improve your overall diet. Mangos are an excellent source of vitamins A, C, and folate. A study found that the addition of freeze-dried mangos to a high-fat diet helped prevent body fat accumulation and lowered blood sugar and insulin levels. Mangos are great in fresh salsas or smoothies, but you can also try them instead of adding sugar to your yogurt. You can add them to your oatmeal or on toast for a filling and nutritious breakfast or incorporate them into a salad or quinoa for a light lunch or dinner.


You can’t go wrong with non-starchy vegetables when it comes to weight loss. Filling up on veggies is an excellent way to get more bang for your buck since they’re low in calories. It doesn’t matter how you eat them, raw or cooked, whole, in pieces or puréed, you will get a lot of nutrition into your diet. You can add them to your meals and snacks to boost their nutritional content and promote weight loss. You can have veggies at every meal of the day. At breakfast, you can add them to eggs. At lunch, you can include them in your sandwiches. As for snacks, you can enjoy them with nut butter or lemon juice, and at dinner, you can add them to casseroles or incorporate them into a broth-based soup or pasta dish. You can even sneak in when baking bread or brownies or preparing a smoothie.

Final Thought

It doesn’t matter whether or not you eat more or eat less, whether you fast for 16 hours or you don’t. What does matter is that you include plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet, especially the top three we recommend.

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