When you combine over 100 bands live on 5 stages across 5 days in one of Europe’s most vibrant cities you know the Sziget Music Festival will be one awesome party. And we are incredibly excited to be here right now!

We are visiting Hungary and bringing you all our favourite Instagram photos, travel tips and places we visit during our trip to help you plan your next trip to Budapest from the 9 – 12th August.

For 3 days we will be throwing our hands up in the air like we just don’t care to a crazy mix of bands like Snoop Dogg, Korn, Sum 41 and a handful we can’t even pronounce. Plus we will also be sampling the best Hungarian cuisine, exploring underneath Budapest on a claustrophobic caving tour and relaxing in the world famous natural hot mineral baths.

Keep up with us by following along with us via our hashtag on Twitter #fjBudapest.

If you have any tips, advice or questions for us then please make sure you send us a tweet, Facebook message or drop a comment below so that we can make the most of our trip as well.

Best of Budapest on Instagram:

Click on any of the photos to create a clickable slideshow.

[instapress piccount=”60″ tag=”fjBudapest” size=”125″ effect=”fancybox”]

Where we have been in Budapest:

Make sure you click the play button!

Disclaimer: We are being hosted by the Hungary Tourism board but as always our thoughts are our own.

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