Barcelona is a crazy metropolis of many cultures. Thriving with tourists from sunrise to sunset (back to sunrise) the city never sleeps. To make sure you are not overwhelmed we have taken it upon ourselves to provide you with real time information to help you figure out what to see and do in Barcelona through our live blogging.

We will be sipping coffees in cafes, shopping at the local markets, lounging on the beaches and devouring the local cuisine wherever we go from the 1st – 5th August. Just below you will find all our favourite Instagram photos, travel tips and places we visit during our trip to help you plan your next trip to Barcelona.

To stay up to date make sure you follow along with us via our hashtag on Twitter #fjBARCELONA.

If you have any tips, advice or questions for us then please make sure you send us a tweet, Facebook message or drop a comment below so that we can make the most of our trip as well.

Our favourite Instagram shots:

Click on any of the photos to create a clickable slideshow.

[instapress piccount=”60″ tag=”fjBARCELONA” size=”125″ effect=”fancybox”]

Where we have been:

Make sure you click the play button!

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