What takes 119.5 seconds?

Pouring the Perfect Pint of Draught Guinness, that’s what.

How do we know this?

Because we just received our signed certificate from the master brewers at the Guinness Storehouse for pouring that very pint.

119.5 seconds Pouring the Perfect Pint of Guinness Beer at the Guinness Storehouse

119.5 Seconds to Pour the Perfect Pint of Guinness

Keeping that figure in mind it may come as a surprise to learn that bartenders around the world spend nearly 1.2 billion seconds (331,944 hours) pouring pints of Guinness Stout EVERY DAY! 

That equates to the enjoyment of 10 million pints around the world with over 1 million of those consumed in the UK alone. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY!

The Guinness Storehouse continues to draw a million visitors every year as one of Dublin’s most popular tourist attractions.It’s important to note, as Kevin our excellent tour guide pointed out, tourists are not allowed access to the actual factory as they don’t want to run the risk of someone contaminating the brewing process. Considering they produce 3 million pints per day it’s fair enough.

I think that the reason the Storehouse continues to be so popular is that Guinness has created an experience rather than a traditional tour and to begin your experience you enter the worlds largest pint glass which rises up through the 7 storey building.

Filled it would hold 14.3 million pints. Just be careful that as you look up don’t stand on the 9,000 year old lease that Arthur Guinness signed on New Years Eve in 1759 to secure the St James Brewery.

Making your way through the various rooms you interact with the four natural ingredients: hops, barley, water and yeast. By combining these the master brewers produce that well known dark drop that you either love or hate. Much like marmite which unsurprisingly tastes similar on my undeveloped pallet.

Now is the time to try what may be your first ever Guinness with a small glass on offer to whet the appetite. Our guide taught us that you have to use all your senses when trying Guinness:

  • First you LISTEN to the Guinness being poured with the nitrogen producing that creamy head;
  • You TOUCH the glass to make sure it is at an optimum temperature of 6 – 7 degrees Celsius;
  • Check the colour is a dark red (not actually black) by holding the pint up and taking a LOOK;
  • Swirling the glass allows you to SMELL the aromas of the beer; and
  • Finally TASTE the Guinness.

Wiping the Guinness Mo from your face it’s time to giggle at the amusing array of adverts over the last 80 years.

The fourth floor is where you have the option to become a bartender and pour your very own perfect pint. There was a bit of a queue but it is a fun environment and a nice break if you want to rest those weary feet.

The first part of the pour releases the nitrogen and fills the pint 3/4’s to the top by pulling the handle towards you. Waiting for the bubbles to subside allows the dark colour and beautiful foam head to become prominent. By pushing the handle away from you it allows the final half inch to be filled to the perfect level.

Sunset View from Guinness Storehouse Gravity Bar

Sunset View from Guinness Storehouse Gravity Bar

Certificate in hand your final stop will leave you at the Gravity Bar. It is the highest point in Dublin and provides spectacular views across the city. We made it up just as the sun set and it was fantastic.

If you are still inclined, as we were, then grab yourself a pint. Sit back, relax and enjoy your Guinness for a few minutes (or hours).

The practical information:

The Guinness Storehouse is located just south of the stinking brown River Liffey and is easily accessible on foot, by car (with free parking) and via the local bus and tram system.

For just €13 each (if you book online) you not only have the freedom to explore the 7 Storehouse but also enjoy a free pint of Guinness in the Gravity Bar overlooking the beautiful city of Dublin. Alternatively you can try your hand at pouring the perfect pint and then toast your success afterwards. Really good value considering just 1 drink costs €5 anywhere in the Temple Bar area.

Disclaimer: The Guinness Storehouse was kind enough to offer us a complimentary tour. However as always, the views and opinions expressed on this site are purely our own. 

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