Happy Hump Day! What is Hump Day you may ask yourself? Check out this quick description then come right back

Each Wednesday we post up a picture of something that we have found helps us imagine NOT being at work and helps us get to the weekend faster. It could be just a relaxing beach, a surfing location, a great snorkelling spot, a destination, well you get the idea.

Where In The World This Week?

We are lucky enough this week to be enjoying the gorgeous spring skiing conditions in France. We are based at the bottom of the world’s largest ski area, the 3 Valleys, which basically consists of 8 different ski fields all connected together.

There are over 600 km’s of ski trails and at the moment over 350 runs open. We are completely spoiled for choice!

This weeks photo, make that photos, are just a couple of the panoramic shots we have managed to capture during our exhausting days.

3 Valleys Peak Panorama

Courcheval Three Valleys Panorama

What memories does this photo evoke to help you get over Hump Day?

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