Rome has quickly raced into my top 3 favourite cities to photograph. Around ever corner is another exquisite structure that seems to have been crafted from a single block of genius.

Each is a masterpiece in its own right. And if any single one of these buildings, statues or monuments were located in any other city in the world then people would flock to that city for that one structure. Amazingly Rome has some how managed to cram all of these handcrafted icons within walking distance of one another.

I wanted to capture a few of my favourites in such a way that I would do them justice. Hopefully I succeeded. I present…

Rome in Monochrome

Ancient Roman Colosseum

Colisseum Pictures, Rome Pictures

Easily the most famous building in Rome and by far my favourite. Adela got pretty sick of me shooting the Roman Colosseum under every lighting condition from every angle.

Fontana del Tritone

Rome Pictures

We were walking home one afternoon and came across this Piazza with this wonderful statue in the middle. No idea who he is but it is brilliant.

Arco di Tito in the Roman Forum

Rome Pictures, Rome Photos, Roman Forum Photos

We went to the Roman Forum to pick up our Ancient Roman Colosseum tickets the day before. We ended up spending over 3 hours wandering the ruins. Only left because we were starving!

Roman Bicycle

Rome Pictures, Rome Photos, Rome Street Photos

Even every day objects seem to be placed in such a way that make this city different to so many others we have been to.

Piazza del Popolo

Rome Pictures, Rome Photos

Located in the heart of the Baroque district.

Unknown Soldier Tomb

Rome Pictures, Rome Photos

One of the best monuments I have ever seen. Fantastic panoramas from the rooftop as well.

St Peter’s Basilica

Rome Pictures, Rome Photos, St Peters Basilica Photos

Crowded with tourists but still worthy of a visit.

Trevi Fountain

Trevi Fountain Pictures, Rome Pictures, Rome Photos

Probably the best fountain we have ever laid eyes upon. Although we did see it’s twin in Las Vegas!

Vatican Museum

Rome Pictures, Rome Photos, Vatican Photos

I snapped off this shot really quickly above the heads of the tourist hordes and turns out it is one of my favourites.

Foro di Augusto

Rome Pictures, Rome Photos

Buildings like this are spread throughout Rome. Incredible.

What do you think? Do you like the black and white photos or prefer colour?

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