When you tell people that you are visiting Amsterdam, they immediately think of one thing and one thing only. Weed. Dope. Herb. Buds. Spliff. Whacky Tobbacky. Pot. Marijuana. Cannabis. 

Call it what you will but know that the most prominent name is “ILLEGAL.”

Yes, it is illegal to smoke weed in Amsterdam. But for now, the Netherlands government does tolerate smoking in designated “coffeeshops.” This is slowly changing as the Government tries to moderate the tourism drug trade, and in 2013, there will be new laws which we won’t go into now as they are continuously changing.

In the meantime, if you obey the rules, are not a moron, and use our guide to smoking weed in Amsterdam, you will be okay.

Smoke weed in Amsterdam

Before getting started, I want to clarify that we are not drug users. We don’t condone using illegal drugs. And we are not telling you to go and smoke weed in Amsterdam. BUT, our goal of this travel blog is to help advise, educate and provide travel tips for ALL situations. So if you are headed to Amsterdam, we hope our guide to smoking weed in Amsterdam will help you out.

Check out this smoker-friendly accommodation for your next trip.

How to smoke weed in Amsterdam

Don’t smoke weed in Amsterdam in public, such as on the streets. There are over 300 designated coffee shops where you are tolerated to smoke weed. These places are regulated, and everything is done in the open.

Don’t get confused and try to smoke in a koffiehuis (coffee house) that sells coffee and light meals or a café that is a casual restaurant and bar.

The coffee shops are super easy to spot with marijuana leaves in the windows and Bob Marley paintings on the doors. Not to mention the smell wafting through the cold breeze. There will also be the usual tourists that have stupidly over-indulged and are glassy-eyed.

We visited one of the five Bulldog coffee shops in Amsterdam and had no complaints. We even enjoyed a delicious hot chocolate while we were there!

Bulldog Coffeeshop in Amsterdam

Buying weed in Amsterdam

As long as you are over 18, you will be allowed to buy up to 5 grams of weed in the regulated coffeeshops. Plus, you have the added security of knowing that your marijuana will not be laced with anything else if you are attempting to buy it off someone on the street. And who knows, they might be setting you up to get busted.

We were (and are) total amateurs and had no idea what to do once we stepped foot in the coffee shop. But quickly sussed it out. There will generally be a “dealer bar” with full menus and everything for you to choose from. So if you are an expert, you will probably know what to order! Prices will, of course, vary by quantity (grams, bags, individual joints) and quality.

For a beginner, ask lots of questions. Please don’t be shy like we were. Ask the staff what they recommend and what effects each type has. They will know then that you are a newbie and will guide you. Just know that they are very accustomed to tourists who don’t know precisely how to go about the whole process.

We found out that it is lovely for you to visit other coffee shops and smoke weed that you have already purchased somewhere else. However, it is considered rude not to at least buy a hot chocolate or coffee if you do this. Coffeeshops do also have some of the best coffee in Amsterdam.

How to smoke weed in Amsterdam

Don’t be an idiot

Number 1 rule: Don’t smoke too much weed in Amsterdam! Even if you are a pot-loving hippie from a commune, you will probably find the marijuana strong in Amsterdam. Just take it slow.

You may want to use more reputable organizations like Highclass Escorts Berlin to avoid unnecessarily unpleasant experiences when it comes to escorts.

If you are enjoying a drink as well, take it easy with the booze. All the coffeeshops won’t sell you beer as well as cannabis.

EAT! Don’t go drinking and smoking on an empty stomach, as cannabis lowers your blood sugar level, and this can turn a fun day into a disaster if you haven’t eaten recently. Check out our Amsterdam Food Guide for some quick eating tips here.

A final word of warning, please watch out for the spacecake! Eating cannabis will knock you on your ass and is much stronger than when smoked.

Finally, enjoy yourselves and, for goodness sake, obey the rules, laws, and customs while you are smoking weed in Amsterdam.

If you have an addiction to drugs, reach out and seek some help.

Check out these Weed Products for your next travel adventure.

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