It’s been a good long while since we’ve written about the subject of vaping. Almost two years of a long while, to be exact. And in that article, we wrote about vaping all around the globe. By necessity, we have to now take our focus to the here and now, where our spaces to move about are, at least temporarily, much more limited.

Let’s take a good long hard look at how the world of vaping has changed in the year 2020. Here are some of the things we have observed.

Time To Order Online

Because of increasing legal issues, as well as, of course, the current pandemic situation, it’s pretty hard to find a brick and mortar vape store open to the public these days. And honestly, if you can even find one, it’s probably going to be pretty sketchy and not big on things like warranties and customer service, to say the least!

It’s much better to get your vape kits juices and supplies etc. at a reliable and confidence-inspiring online vape store where you can pay by credit card and have some recourse in the worst of circumstances. Also, the selection, as it has always been, will be way better online.

Also obviously, ordering online is generally a whole lot more discreet than having to physically go somewhere.

Vaping Controversy in 2020

man in blue and white striped sweater smoking cigarette 3958284

We aren’t going to pull punches with this one. Vaping all over the world, especially in places like Sinagpore, Hong Kong, and in the United States of America, is facing legal challenges like never before.

It is not the scope or intent of this article to try and act as or take the place of medical professionals in any way shape or form. There is one thing we would like to bring to the reader’s attention, however. It’s pretty curious how the current trend of anti-vaping legislation aims for a “nicotine-free” world, when tobacco companies the world over seem to be getting a pass yet again.

The jury is still out, scientifically speaking, regarding the possible risks and benefits of vaping as compared to smoking. The health detriments due to smoking traditional cigarettes, however, are well-known and quite severe. It can only be hoped that at least further legislation could be made a but more equitable. It seems pretty evident that vaping is being attacked specifically because of its relative newness and its potential to erode the traditional tobacco industry more than out of any genuine concern for public health.


It looks like in the long-term, vaping is here to stay, and we hope that it doesn’t wind up going underground. It would be much better to have a regulated industry for vaping that adds to public coffers via taxes, is controlled and adheres to best industry practices in a strict fashion. We believe this is not too much to hope for.

2020 has been a tough year for all of us. Some of us are glad to have vaping as an option to help us get through these tough times.

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