Sometimes it’s good to talk about the online life. We’ve previously tackled how to make money Website Online, and now we want to talk a bit about how to relax and enjoy oneself while online.
It should be clearly noted that travel is still the most awesome thing on the planet. But, as everybody has had made super clear to them, sometimes travel has to wait for a bit. Also, when you’re powering your way around the globe, sometimes you just want to hole up somewhere for a week or so and recharge the batteries, entertaining yourself while online.
Whether you find yourself looking for a website online, something fresh in Florence, or something amazing in Amsterdam, the internet can sometimes really be your best friend in certain times.
Start or Join an Online Book Club
This is actually a great way to not online find excellent new reading materi0al, it’s also an amazing way to meet new friends. Of course, you all start out with an interest in common, so breaking the ice is really easy!
The best part of this is, if done a certain way, this doesn’t have to cost you a dime! Many major public libraries have decided to make their online content 100% free. And by free, we mean free worldwide! The famous and prestigious New York Public Library is among these entities, so you can imagine that there will be no shortage of great free material for those of you who choose to go this route.
Play Games Online
This is super overlooked, but besides obvious serious and semi-serious chess which has been around on the internet for literally decades, there are lot of great options to play with friends online. One great recommendation that came to Four Jandals was online Monopoly. You can set up these types of games usually so you can play with family and friends or with complete strangers, as you so wish. Watch out for those sneaky railroads, they can cost you the game! For the more thrill seeking among you, many online casinos often offer for-cash versions of the game these days.
Google Street View
Yes, you read that right. Google Street view can be amazingly fun. Depending on where you look on the world, you can do a virtual walking tour of almost anywhere, in incredible detail. Here are some favorite uses for Google Street View that aren’t only good time killers, they may even be more than a bit educational:
-Take a tour of the neighborhoods and addresses you used to live in, especially during your childhood. Yes, everything really did seem a lot bigger back in the day!
-Check out places that are very hot, cold, dangerous, inaccessible, etc. without having to actually be there. You can sometimes walk through war zones on Google Street View without a care in the world.
-If you have friends you have never met in real life before, you can get their addresses and check out what life may be like in their neck of the woods.