Not surprisingly, the highest concentration of entertainment workers in the U.S. can be found in Los Angeles, with New York City falling close behind, according to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics. Orlando and Nashville are also home to some of the largest concentrations of entertainment-related services, but no matter where you are in the country, if you hope to break into the industry, these tips can help you achieve success.

Create Your Own Opportunities

The perfect job isn’t going to just land in your lap, you need to create many different opportunities for yourself, like taking advantage of social media, creating a website with a blog and a YouTube channel, showing up at open mic nights, jam sessions or auditions, depending on your particular aspirations, whether it’s to be a comedian, actor or musician. You’ll probably need to perform free to showcase your talents and get people talking. Keeping busy will help feed your creative spirit and keep the momentum going.

Take Advantage of As Many Marketing Opportunities as Possible

Marketing is a critical aspect for any aspiring entertainer. In addition to being skilled at your chosen art, you’ll have to learn how to be an expert marketer, pushing your own brand. The main reason there is so much “untapped” talent out there is that many talented people don’t know how to market themselves. While having an agent can help, that agent is also going to take a significant cut of your earnings, so you’ll want to take advantage of other avenues like a talent booking agency so those looking to hire entertainers can easily find you without a traditional talent agent involved.

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Develop a Thick Skin

While it can be easier said than done, developing a thick skin and not taking anything personally is essential with so much competition out there. It comes with practices, which is why you need to continually put yourself out there. Don’t let a “no” stop your momentum or bring down your confidence. You’ll get turned down many, many times, but the key to success is the ability to quickly bounce back. Think of a “no” as a blessing that’s preparing you for something much better and be thankful for the time you saved from taking a job that wasn’t all that great anyway.

Understand Who Your Audience Is

Whether you’re a musician, singer, actor, or another type of entertainer, it’s a must to understand who your audience is so that you can market to them. For example, if you’re a Jazz artist, your audience is generally made up of college-educated people who own their homes, may have grown children, and enjoy fine wine. That will make decisions like how to target them and where to perform much easier.

Always be a Professional

To be successful in any job, you need to show up on time and be prepared, but perhaps it’s even more important as an aspiring entertainer with all the stiff competition. It’s a must to respect the work by knowing your material inside and out, respecting whoever is in charge, return calls and emails promptly, and communicate clearly regarding all business matters. That includes money – you need to know what you’re worth and ask for what you deserve. If you don’t respect yourself, no one else will.

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