Many of you reading this article are just like me: seasoned travellers with even years or even decades of experience going all around the globe. There are many ways to do this, some ways better than others. There are so many variations: what to do when, where to stay, how to travel, etc.

Over the years, the savvy traveller finds that his or her tastes start to change slowly, based on past experiences, and often based just as much on what you have not done as what you have done already.

Trekking or cycling vacations for example, would make for the perfect adventure holiday. While definitely gaining in popularity, they are in this author’s humble opinion a very underrated way of getting around and seeing the world. Let’s face it: seeing the world this way offers a lot of very very distinct advantages, especially when you compare it to some of the more traditional ways of seeing the planet.

Off The Beaten Path.

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This is the end of the year 2018, as of the writing of this article. Things have changed in the past 20 years or so. In fact, in that time frame, in most of the world, things have changed a whole lot.

But one of the major trends worldwide over the past generation or so is that the world is rapidly shrinking. This has a lot of good sides to it, in fact, but as for someone who wants to travel the world, it means that the experience (while a lot easier) is a lot less rich than it was 20 or even 10 short years ago!

One can find oneself going from airport to airport, from city to city, and basically drinking the same drinks and eating the same food, even on some routes you will wind up speaking English almost the whole time! Once again, the convenience factor is great, especially for people who travel for business or other reasons, but for the intrepid, this means that foreign cities offer much less fun factor than they used to.

If you go on a trekking/cycling vacation, you are all but guaranteed to see the REAL country of your destination. However much of its traditions are still intact in any sense whatsoever, you are all but guaranteed to bump up against all of them. You will eat the different food, see the different sites, you will come in touch with things that will blow your mind. And you will meet much more interesting and friendly people who will have different mindsets, and you WILL come away enriched by the experience.

Healthy Is Happy

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Of course, another excellent reason to trek or bike on your next vacation is the obvious one: it’s healthy!

Instead of being stuck in airports and traffic jams most of the time, you will be using your body in the way nature intended it. In fact, the first few days may even be very rough on you, depending on what kind of shape you are in to start, and, of course, your level of activity back home.

But even if there’s a tough initiation period to go through to get your body back into the rhythm of regular exercise again, it will be over fairly quickly with the constant stimulation you are giving it.

Of course, it is very important for you to remember the basics: give your body plenty of time to sleep and also plenty of non-sleep time to recover, pace yourself and don’t try to cover too much ground in too short of a time, and make sure you stay well fueled and well hydrated.Make sure your clothes suit the climate(s) you will be in, for the whole duration of your trip (pro tip: use layers against the cold).

Drop Out And Re-Connect

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The third and final point I want to make here is I think in many ways the absolutely most important.

Trekking and cycling in a remote regions forces you off the grid! This may even sound horrible for more than a few of you, but trust me, it’s an incredible benefit.

Almost everybody HAS to stay connected in today’s world; many of us wouldn’t even be able to do our jobs otherwise! But this is also a huge double-edged sword. And just being able to get a reset for a week or two is incredibly good for you psychologically.

Almost like a parallel to what can happen to you physically as you get back into a healthy lifestyle, you may even feel withdrawal from the internet for the first little while. If this happens, just relax and ride it out. It will go away much sooner than you think, just like the physical aches and pains would. And you will be a lot better for it, and come out with a whole new perspective as to the universe and your own place in it. As a matter of fact, the harder it was on you, the more you actually needed it in the first place!

Don’t get me wrong; the world is a better place now than it was before, and it’s getting better and better all the time, but sometimes there are side effects to all this rapid advancement; we are in many ways losing out on having full and active social lives like we used to. Ultimately we are probably going to have to figure out how to obtain a proper balance between being connected with technology and connected with ourselves and with nature and the rest of our environment.


Hopefully this article has encouraged you to think twice about your next vacation, and, if you have never trekked or cycled on vacation before, to take the plunge and go for it. It is an experience almost nobody ever regrets, ever, and we’re sure it would almost certainly be a positive one for all concerned. Seriously, don’t think about it twice; just do it once 🙂

It is fast becoming the go-to vacation for this author and for many other people like him all around the world, and, if you’ve gotten this far in this article, you now have many reasons why.

We hope that you’d leave a comment to us in the comments section below if you also have any experience with this, or if you have any more questions regarding this very special type of vacation.

In closing, we would like to wish everybody reading this admittedly rather longish post the bes of good luck and a happy New Year to all, and hopefully we will see you somewhere on the trails.

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