As regular readers know, we are a couple who loves to travel together. But we wanted to do this article to reach out a little bit and include people among our readership who have been asking about an article on travelling alone.
Some people may feel some trepidation about the whole thing, and be reluctant to go abroad as a single traveller, but really it’s a very viable option. Let’s analyze this a bit more deeply.
Types of Solo Travelling:
The Solo Tourist- You just bounce around the planet at will taking it all in, perhaps without even an itinerary. This experience can vary greatly depending on your budget levels.
The Working Traveller- This is when you are obliged to go somewhere for work-related reasons, but you take advantage of such and take in as much as you can of the local culture, flora and fauna.
The Visitor- The solo traveller who hangs out with friends wherever he or she goes, visiting them in series. This is a great way to connect with people who otherwise would just stay at the margins of your existence. Of course, it’s not as flexible as the first option, so there’s your tradeoff.
The Singles Event Traveller- This person travels to singles’ events abroad, whether it be quick getaways, extended cruises or stays at resorts, etc. This traveller is usually hoping to meet a potential SO on these voyages.
Pros And Cons of Travelling Solo:
-You get to keep your own schedule, or even avoid having one entirely. This is ideal for people who are either very early risers or very late risers.
-You don’t have to take into account anybody else’s tastes or prefereneces but your own.
-You get a mental reset by being away from everybody with whom you normally interact.
-You are much more likely to make friends abroad when travelling alone.
–The loneliness can set in, and it is very real. Try to limit the length of your solo trips, or go for options like singles’ events or visiting friends to mitigate this. Be realistic; you may be surprised how much greater your need for company and non-superficial relationships is than you may have previously thought.
-Sometimes your fellow travellers will have the best ideas that you may never would have thought of by yourself.
-Some things, let’s face it, are best done in good company. For example, a great meal at an amazing restaurant is just that much better when shared with one or more people whom you esteem greatly.