As I was sitting down to write this article, I realized that it would be impossible to make a direct recommendation of which region is the best for vacations in general; all the different areas of Italy have their different levels of attractiveness for the potential tourist.
So, in the spirit of the above, I’m going to list what’s good about the various areas of Italy, and let the reader make up his or her own mind where the dream vacation should be.
South (and Sicily):
There are several good options here, and indeed when one thinks about tourism in Italy, this is the area that first comes to mind for most people.
You can head over to Sicily and enjoy one of the world’s most unique cultures, along with the amazing local cuisine (Sicilian food is NOT the same as other Italian cuisines). You can also relax at the Verdura resort near the charming town of Agrigento,
You can enjoy a gelato in Naples (where it was originally invented), or cruise through the rustic villages of Calabria, and maybe if you’re lucky, catch a group of locals playing the tarantella.
And on the other side, the beaches of Abbruzzo are considered to be the best in the nation.
Central Italy is also not to be discounted. While it’s true that Rome has somewhat been cast in a bad light in the media, it’s definitely a top tourist spot and will remain so. You have the history, the culture, the architecture and the fabulous restaurants, just to name a few things.
Also, two cities that are not to be missed if you are in this part of the country are Florence and Siena. Even better if you can find yourself in Siena for the famous Palio Dalle Contrade, which is a horseback race in which the 17 districts of the city compete. It goes back literally centuries.
It’s pretty obvious that the north does not share the South’s milder climate, and is not considered the best winter destination. This area is not to be discounted, however as you have several options here.
The obvious in-your-face options for tourism are Milan (especially for the major fashion shows and to take in the opera at La Strada) and Venice, which, honestly, is hit or miss; tourists either love it or loathe it.
But not to be forgotten are the Italian Alps, for example, a nice little trip to Trieste, to get some skiing in the winter, or climbing with breaktaking views in the summer.