Canada is an overwhelmingly large country that sits comfortably above the U.S. If you are preparing to travel to Canada it’s even more important to do your research about each province and what there is to do. Adrenaline junkies would feel upset to visit Ontario rather than British Columbia and a digital nomad might feel more at home in cities like Toronto and Vancouver. The summers are generally warm but watch out for the winter in many parts of Canada which go well below zero making you desperately not want to venture outside without a good reason. That’s why this article is for you as a few select activities are highlighted.

Skiing or Snowboarding

Canada has some of the best mountains for skiing in the world that rival the alps and then some. While not for everyone, the true adventurer can take advantage of heli skiing opportunities throughout the country. This off-trail downhill skiing is only accessible by a helicopter thanks to a man named Hans Gmoser who first came up with the idea. One of the top places to try this sport is British Columbia’s famous mountains in Banff or on the other side of the country in Mont-Tremblant. The views from above are stunning and one of many reasons why travelers trek here from all over the world.

Outdoor Activities in Lillehammer Skiing in Norway

See the Polar Bears in Churchhill

Most people do not realize that polar bears migrate just like birds. Each year from September until November, polar bears pass through Churchhill as part of their migration route. This town in Manitoba is one of the few places to observe polar bears in the wild as they spend the winter season hunting their prey. This is a truly off the beaten path without roads to access the town. Instead, locals and travelers both use buggies to cross the rough terrain.

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Try Surfing in Tofino, British Colombia

When it comes to surfing most people think of California and Hawaii. Both states are excellent surfing spots. However, Tofino in British Colombia has some of the most scenic surfing in the world without the typical backdrop. Despite the cold waters that hover around 50 degrees Fahrenheit year round, it’s still possible to surf with wetsuits during the summer months. The winter months are simply not possible as imagined. Fortunately, there is plenty to do in Tofino along with surfing due to its rainforests, hiking and thermal springs.

Canada is one of few meccas for adrenaline junkies whether you have an itch to see wildlife in some of the most remote areas or simply go surfing.

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