When you frequently travel, particularly internationally, there are plenty of logistical issues to consider. Some of the concerns you should give the most attention to, but might not, involve your email and overall IT security.
When you’re traveling especially to certain countries internationally, there can be significant IT threats that you need to consider proactively, to make sure any work or personal information you access while you’re away is protected.
The following are some important things to know if you’re traveling and you want to keep all of your emails and other personal information protected.
Protecting Your Email
Traveling to countries like China or Russia can put you at some of the highest risk levels regarding cyber threats or having information stolen, although of course, these aren’t the only ones. One of the first things you should think about whether you’re traveling for work or personal reasons is email security.
There are tools that you can use to make sure you keep your emails secure when you access them abroad, including various encryption programs and email scanners. There are simple options that will let you integrate encryption right within your cloud-based email service provider.
Something that should also be noted is that while encryption can be one of the best ways to protect your emails when you’re abroad, some countries may prohibit this, so if you are caught doing this, you may face criminal charges.
Accessing Personal Information Online
When you’re traveling, particularly to an area that’s seen as being a high-risk place for IT threats, try to avoid logging into accounts that include your personal information. This can include your financial accounts and credit card accounts, for example. If you can manage it, the best course of action is to avoid logging into any of these accounts at all while you’re traveling.
If you are going to need to login to personal accounts, it’s best to do so either with a hard-wired internet connection versus wireless, or through a cellular network.
Using a VPN App
The best rule of thumb when it comes to using public wi-fi networks is to avoid them, but when you’re traveling, that’s not always an option. To protect yourself in a simple, manageable way, you might install a Virtual Private Network or VPN.
With a VPN your internet traffic would go through encrypted servers, and it can keep you safe even when you’re using public wi-fi.
Secure Your Physical Devices
When you’re traveling overseas there’s always the potential you could be mugged, or thieves could access your hotel room or accommodations. Of course, there’s this threat anywhere, but if local criminals sense you’re a tourist, you may be a target without knowing it.
That’s why it’s important to secure your physical devices, in addition to your online information and network access.
Make sure you have safeguards to protect your phone, laptop and other devices you take on your trip in the event they are stolen.
Of course, there is the definite threat of IT and cyber-related crimes when you’re at home, but you need to ensure that you’re vigilant to the potential of new or significant threats when you’re abroad as well.