You may ask yourself, how can I make a difference for the better in this world?

Volunteering in Marrakech

I am not in a financial position to just pack up and go across the world to help, so how can I raise some money to make this a reality?

While I understand that volunteering is not about me, are there any unexpected benefits that I might receive for giving?

For those of us with a desire to make a positive difference in this world, it is not necessary to resign our positions at our jobs, sell our homes, and move the family to another country to make a difference.

The change can happen right in your own community. But how, you may be asking yourself?

No matter if you are retired and have plenty of time on your hands or are a busy professional with family responsibilities, you can be a positive influence on those about you.

Ways that you can make a difference are numerous; they include providing toys to a local cancer hospital for children, assisting a local homeless shelter with meal preparations, tutoring, and spending time at a local nursing home to be a friend to a resident. You can even volunteer at a local hospital, such as Riverside Medical in Hoboken, NJ.

This list only scratches the surface of ways an individual, a family, or a group of people can pack into the stream of life.

Have you watched documentaries on television or read about people who have travelled to lands far away to offer help to those less fortunate and said to yourself; “If only I could dedicate myself to that sometime”.

This opportunity can be available to you. Have you asked your employer if they offer time off for charitable work? Many employers not only offer this time off, it is paid time away from the workplace.

That is your first logical step. Once you have determined that the time is available, the next challenge is how to secure funding for this trip. This is if you have already determined where you will go and what you will offer to those in need.

If you are struggling to decide on this, a google search of mission work is a great place to start. We will leave any religious affiliations out at this time as this is purely a personal affair.

If you are not a member of a religious body, or if you are and mission work is not readily available, you can rest assured that there are ways to raise funds.

According to Sara and Josh Margulis, who started Honeyfund and soon followed with Plumfund, starting a crowdfunding campaign is a solution to this challenge. After all, both Sara and Josh have dedicated their lives to making dreams happen.

The benefits that one can experience with a life of giving far exceed the sacrifices of time and money. A life lived with some element of selfless giving can reap many medical benefits such as lower rates of depression and mortality.

The question now begs to be asked of each of us. Are each of us doing what we can to better the lives of those about us, or are we so wrapped up in our own selfish wants and needs that we are blinded by what really matters?

Author’s Bio

Curt Price – Super-Connector at Outreach Mama

Curt is a super-connector with OutreachMama and Youth Noise NJ who helps businesses find their audience online through outreach, partnerships, and networking. He frequently writes about the latest advancements in digital marketing and focuses his efforts on developing customized blogger outreach plans depending on the industry and competition.

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