It’s Wednesday which means it is Hump Day. What is hump day you may ask yourself? To get a full understanding what it is and why we do it then you have to check out our original Hump Day Wednesday photo.
Basically we post a new photo each Wednesday of something that we have found helps us imagine what we might get up to this weekend. It could be just a nice relaxing beach, some nice surf, a great snorkelling spot, a destination, you get the idea. In the end it really is just a picture of whatever I feel like putting up that reminds me of some good times.
With a wedding to attend this weekend it was fairly easy to pick a picture that reminded us of similar good times. And where were these good times; Las Vegas: the home of tacky weddings (no we didn’t get married thankfully). We were just lucky enough to enjoy 2 separate trips to Vegas last year. Once when we were on our epic 18,000 km Road Trip across North America and once with some friends to get away from the -31 degrees weather in Jasper.
On ONE day we counted 16 different weddings, from the wedding party on the Gondolas in the Venetian to the dirty Dick’s Last Resort bar in Excalibur. It may not be for everyone but they all looked like they were having a good time.
Does this photo evoke any memories for you or help you over your Hump Day and through to the weekend?