Ripples extend away from the end of our paddles as each stroke breaks the surface of the warm Mediterranean Sea. Sunlight flickers and reflects off the surface as our kayak cuts through the glassy waters off the coast of Napoli. The only sounds are the splashing of the paddles and the odd laugh echoing from kids diving off the rocky shoreline.
This is kayaking Napoli at its best.
Kayak Napoli
On a recommendation from the awesome staff at Hostel of the Sun in Naples we had grabbed our togs, lathered up with sunscreen and donned our sunnies for a morning of adventures and sea kayaking with the friendly folks at Kayak Napoli.
Even getting out to the kayak Napoli centre proved to be an adventure as our only directions were to hop off the local bus at supposedly one of the best restaurants along the Napoli coast. Apparently every bus driver in the city knew where this was. Apart from the one driving our bus of course.
With fumbling Italian and hand gestures we somehow managed to stop just 200m from where we were meant to get off anyway.
Hiking down the long winding road to the coastline our backs were soon sticky with sweat and all we wanted to do was get started on our kayak Napoli trip. However, as with all things Italian, everything is done at a slow and gentle pace. Our 10.30am start time neared 11am and then flew on by before our guide showed up on his trusty Vespa.
Can’t say we were too disappointed getting to chill out for a half hour in such a cute village on the seafront anyway.
Everyone partnered up and we dipped our paddles in the water slowly stroking away from the beach.
With only 6 of us, including the guide, on the kayak tour in Naples it really felt personal. And even with our limited kayaking skills we were actually the best of the small group with two of the girls careening into a small dinghy when they couldn’t figure out how to turn or stop.
Luckily the sea was flat and the guide experienced enough to keep us close to the shoreline should anything go drastically wrong.
At over 3 hours in length it really is an awesome and unique way to see one of the most spectacular coastlines in Italy. Away from the hustle and bustle of Naples the cliffs plunge straight into the deep blue sea. Houses perch precariously on the cliff edge with rough stone stairs carved straight into the rock leading to the sea below.
With no beaches here the locals sunbaths on the rocks with ladders to help them climb back out.
Our local guide knew all the best swimming holes and spots to rest our weary shoulders every half hour or so. With masks provided we could explore under the surface at every stop too.
We even had the chance to kayak into ancient caves that had been eroded from the relentless sea. Unsurprisingly these same magnificent caves have been used in the past for homes and storage for the wealthy.
Each cave had winding steps leading into the blackness behind gates where we couldn’t venture. Apparently some still lead into the basements of houses.
My favourite stop on the Napoli kayak tour was when we stopped at the Roman ruins which were visible above, and below, the sea surface. Snorkelling gear was again donned to explore these ancient structures. I only wish we had more time here as this was definitely the highlight.
Oh apart from helping catch our guides dinner in the form of an octopus. If only he had offered to share it with us!
It was such a fun few hours and a totally different way to explore Napoli. We definitely recommend you to check out Kayak Napoli as they run adventure trips every day and it’s a great way to escape the Italian heat.