Happy Hump Day! What is Hump Day you may ask yourself? Check out this quick description then come right back

Each Wednesday we post up a picture of something that we have found helps us imagine NOT being at work and helps us get to the weekend faster. It could be just a relaxing beach, a surfing location, a great snorkelling spot, a destination, well you get the idea.

Where In The World This Week?

Egyptian Lady

The weekly Hump Day photo this week is from Egypt where we spent two weeks gazing at some of the most amazing sights in the entire world. As we sat in one of the many local Egyptian bazaar’s sipping on our sweetened mint tea after visiting the Pyramids of Giza we were constantly pestered by hawkers.

This lady came along and looked as if she had been on her feet all day. All she was selling was packets of pocket sized Kleenex tissues. We didn’t buy any but she was clearly known by the owner as he quickly came out and offered her a chair in his cafe and a glass of mint tea.

Sitting there in solitude sipping on her tea picking her nose she looked exhausted. We had so many questions running through our minds trying to figure out what she was thinking. Did she have kids? Was she worried about her kids? Or was she deciding on what to cook tonight for dinner? Were her feet sore? How much money does she make just selling tissues?

It was so hard to picture her lifestyle when here we were touring around probably spending more in one day than she earns in a week. The disparities between our lives were unreal. But I guess that is why we love to travel to explore these different cultures.

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