Each Wednesday we post up a picture of something that we have found helps us get through the rest of the week. It could be just a relaxing beach, a surfing location, a great snorkelling spot, a destination, well you get the idea.

Where In The World This Week?

Mammoth Mountain Sunset 2006

My first solo travel experience was at the end of University. I had just spent 3 years studying Environmental Science and needed to have break. I grabbed a flight, found a job working on ski field and jet-setted halfway around the world to Mammoth Mountain in California.

This photo was actually taken on my very first night I arrived. Very jet-lagged, exhausted, nervous and excited. When I looked up to the mountain I would be working at I knew I had made the right decision. It is still one of my favourite photos I have ever taken and just happened to be the right place at the right time.

Where does this photo take you when you look at it?