We were fortunate enough to be asked by Brendan over at Vagabundo Magazine to write our very first Guest Post for his new online travel magazine about Cole’s experience as a White Water Rafting Guide in Jasper, Canada.

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Vagabundo Magazine actually only just launched yesterday and we already love it. Basically its a travel magazine for the independent traveller. Whether you are someone who gets out and experiences the world independently on a general basis or someone who dreams of tackling adventure head on then Vagabundo is for you. Vagabundo is publishing articles of adventure and misadventures, articles that inspire and evoke emotion, and articles that promote the idea of travelling for the greater good.  Those of us who travel know how much can be gained from it. We understand how travel has a way of making us smarter, more engaged citizens of the world. We understand how through travel we learn how we can change the world for the better. Within the pages of Vagabundo Magazine we hope to provoke the sense of a travel as a meaningful endeavor capable of creating a positive global community.

We would love you to go and check out not only the new site but also our Guest Post. And truth be told with a little guidance from Brendan about travel writing for a travel magazine rather than for ourselves I actually think that now its my best article to date!

Drop us a line below to let us know what you thought about it because we love the feedback!!