This is a featured post by traveller Teresa who is currently renting out her home as she travels the world. Planning a travel adventure for a few months at a time can be nerve-wracking for all kinds of reasons. One of them is wondering if your house will be safe and sound while you’re away.

Stoke Travel Surf Camp, Sunset in Zarautz, Spain

Stress free travel after renting out your home

You can install extra security, ask the neighbours to check in on it once in a while or even hire a house-sitter, but there is another solution that could put your worries to rest and earn you a bit of cash at the same time…

How to rent out your house while travelling

Renting out your property through a company like Rent My Cottage effectively turns your home it into a holiday home for guests. Not only are you earning income while you’re off on travels of your own, but you’ve effectively landed yourself some house-sitters for free. You may not even need to worry about finding the guests yourself, unless you want to, as these companies can market your home through their own publications and contact networks for you. Or if you’re more worried about about the security aspects, check out guardian housing.

How much can I earn renting out my house while travelling?

How much you can earn from your property depends on a few things, including the number of people it can comfortably sleep and the location. Homes in beautiful tourist hotspots will be much more in-demand all year round, although city dwellers may find their properties are equally sought-after at certain times of the year. People with homes in Edinburgh make an absolute fortune during the annual Fringe Festival.

Outdoor Activities in Edinburgh, Edinburgh Castle Braveheart Scotland

Edinburgh Castle

You may also be able to get more in rental if your home is well-furnished and equipped with all the mod-cons. Of course, renting out your home in this way gives you a few responsibilities. You’ll need to ensure the home is thoroughly cleaned and tidied in between bookings. As well as prepare an inventory of the items in your property in case anything is lost or damaged while guests are there. If you can take care of these things – or appoint somebody to do them while you’re away – you might find home renting is a great solution to your home-minding problem. What’s more, you’ll be helping out fellow travellers by giving them a place to stay. Some cottage rental operators also offer owner exchange programmes which allow you to house-swap with another member of the same group for a set period of time. This is a great way to see another part of the world without needing to worry about accommodation costs.

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