Can you imagine cycling along the “Carrilet” way from Olot to Anglès via Les Planes d’Hostoles? Visiting the gorge of Cogolls? Tasting the “cremat”, the typical cocktail made with burnt rum?
Photo via CarolynConnor
How about hot air ballooning over Empordà region with a typical Catalan breakfast? Or learning to cook (and eat) freshly caught seafood at “Espai del peix” in Palamós before cruising back on his bike to Girona.
Well, Cole is embarking on all of that, and more, in the Costa Brava region of Spain. He will be providing you with real time information with all his favourite adventures from Costa Brava showcased wit our live blogging from the 24th – 27th September.
Below you will find all our favourite Instagram photos, travel tips and places we visit during our trip to help you plan your next trip to Barcelona.
Stay up to date now by following along with Cole via our hashtag on Twitter – #fjCOSTABRAVA. However, we are not the only ones taking part in the campaign so make sure you also check out the #InCostaBrava hashtag. There are thousands of photos, posts and updates from other fabulous travel bloggers to keep you entertained.
If you have any tips, advice or questions for us then please make sure you send us a tweet, Facebook message or drop a comment below so that we can make the most of our trip as well.
Costa Brava as seen on Four Jandals Instagram:
Click on any of the photos to create a clickable slideshow.
[instapress piccount=”60″ tag=”fjCOSTABRAVA” size=”125″ effect=”fancybox”]Map of where Cole has been in Costa Brava:
Make sure you click the play button!
Disclaimer: Cole is travelling with the incredible Costa Brava Tourism Board. As always, his thoughts, photos, check-ins etc are all his own.